
Instructions for Liposuction

Post-Op INSTRUCTIONS- Liposuction

No Aspirin, Ibuprofen or Alcohol 2 weeks before or after surgery (also see Medications to Avoid List).

Please purchase and have appropriate garment BEFORE surgery (Check with Doctor or Staff).

The day before surgery drink plenty of fluids and have fluids available for post op.

Wear loose clothing to surgery (No Jeans).

1. Clear or blood tinged drainage from incision sites during the first 48 hours is to be expected.

2. Wear garment at all times. Do NOT remove the garment until your first post-op visit.

3. You will be able to shower after you see Dr. Afifi.

8. Medications :
    Vicodin 1 tablet by mouth by mouth every 4 hrs as needed for pain.
    Cipro 500 mg. 2 times a day until gone.

9. Activity: Important to walk 4x/ day around house, after surgery.

10. Diet: Clear liquids, advance to regular diet as tolerated.

11. Call office for: A) Temperature is 101.5 or greater
         B) Excessive drain output.
                               C) Localized swelling or fluid collection.
                               D) Redness extending from incisions.
                               E) Purulent or foul smelling drainage from incisions.

12. Any questions or concerns during business hours, call Dr. Afifi office (949) 767-7444
13. Follow-up Appointment: Dr. Afifi wants follow up appointments at 3 weeks, 6weeks, 3 months, 9 months and yearly after the procedure. It is your responsibility to make these appointments.

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